Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
The best part about university life is the creative license to select and pursue the most pressing challenges in forest health every day. The most challenging part is procuring resources. Each project’s support comes from a funding agency that has chosen to invest in our work. We celebrate each success, but also constantly seek partners who provide new opportunities to train students and steward our forests.
Partner with Us
Financial gifts of any amount enrich our work. For example:
$25 facilitates an annual subscription to Minnesota Conservation Volunteer that resides on the lab lunch table and expands students’ horizons
$100 facilitates a recruiting lunch as we host and interview a potential new team member
$250 facilitates a conference registration where a graduate student receives their dream job offer
$1,000 facilitates a fall lab retreat as we negotiate an annual academic rhythm of student graduations and new arrivals
$10,000 facilitates extra months of student support for a project that unexpectedly extends beyond the expected end date
$125,000 / $250,000 funds a Master’s / PhD degree
$1,000,000 wins you the Nobel Prize. No, seriously, we’ll make you one. We dare you!
Gifts are directed to areas of greatest need and impact.
If you would you like to explore partnership on new or current projects,
please send Brian a note.